Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Twenty


This morning I sat in solitude and was thinking about this journey of my life so far and how much things have changed from when I was 20 till now, being close to my mid 30’s. Throughout the last 15 years so much has changed, I have learned many lessons, grown more then I even imagined and found strength in me that I didn’t even know existed.

I began writing down some thoughts this morning about what I wish I knew in my twenties. Then the words just keep flowing and flowing until I found myself reaching 100 thoughts. I read through them and thought, this something in which I want to share in hope to inspire others.

So, here they are.

100 things I wish I knew in my twenties

1. Be at peace with where you are, in your journey of life.

2. You may only have a handful of close friends but know they are your diamonds, love them, appreciate them and let them know regularly they mean the world to you.

3. Do something for you everyday – self love is not selfish but super important.

4. Have fun and laugh often.

5. Be fully present when in the company of others.

6. Let go of the past, you no longer live there.

7. Know your not alone, you are fully supported.

8. Meditate more often. In those peaceful moments, it will help with nurturing and nourishing the mind, body and spirit.


9. Say I love you more often.

10. Face your problems, talk through situations and find solutions.

11. Appreciate the little things daily and be really grateful.

12. Reflect and write your feelings down. A journal can be the perfect place for reflection.

13. Move your body and exercise regularly, whether it be flow though yoga or go for a run, just move.

14. Set daily intentions.

15. Say thank you often.

16. Learn from your mistakes and try your best not to make them again.

17. Know your happiness is in your hands – you have the power to be as happy as you wish.

18. Never go to sleep on an argument, stay up late and find a resolution. You sleep better with a peaceful mind.

19. Know your parents intentions, come from a place of love.

20. Disconnect from technology regularly and take time to reconnect to self.


21. Dream big and work out a plan on how to get there.

22. Live each day with love, let love lead the way.

23. Be kind to you, it begins with saying positive words to self and thinking positive.

24. Remember how amazing you really are. And the awesome accomplishments you have made.

25. Everything happens for a reason and good comes out of it.

26. Slow down with responses and think before you say ‘yes’.

27. It is ok to surrender.

28. Make time for you daily, even if it is only 10mins. Timeout for you daily is rejuvenating and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of time.

29. Live more in the moment and less in the past.

30. Go to the ocean and just breathe, there’s something extremely healing about the ocean.


31. Spoil yourself often, because you deserve it.

32. Be open to new ideas.

33. Continue to learn and educate yourself. Just like a plant needs water to grow, you too need education to continue to grow.

34. Make time to see the sunrise, as it rises it’s bright light brings peace and cleansing to the soul.

35. Serve others and share the love.

36. Go on more adventures.

37. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you will make mistakes and that’s ok because that’s how we learn.

38. Know that the universe has your back… just believe!

39. Do whatever makes YOU happy.


40. Have a little fun every single day.

41. Do random acts of kindness.

42. You will always be working on your masterpiece of life, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, so pace yourself.

43. Feel the sand between your toes & be conscious of Mother Earth.

44. Have a little faith and believe in whatever higher power you wish.

45. Forgiveness is the key to inner peace.

46. Let it go, let it flow.

47. Be spontaneous sometimes – it’s fun!

48. Live your truth.

49. Worry less and release the stress.

50. Never give up on believing in you.

51. Choose happiness.

52. Travel with friends who love adventure as much as you.


53. Smile more often, even when feeling sad, just try to smile, this can help change your feeling.

54. Trust in yourself and the process that all is fine and well.

65. Judge less and understand more.

55. Flowers on my desk brings happiness. Treat yourself with flowers. My favourite is sunflowers and gerberas, they always bring me happiness.


56. Keep believing that anything is possible.

57. Give the world your beautiful energy.

58. Listening is loving. Take time to listen to others.

59. Compare less, you are exactly where you are meant to be. ‘A flower doesn’t think of competing with a flower next to it, it just blooms’.

60. Nourish and nurture your body with healthy wholesome foods and keep well hydrated.

nourish nutrition

61. When feeling down remember the affirmation; Something wonderful is going to happen today!

62. Solitude provides solutions, take time regularly to sit in silence and just be.

63. Be the best version of YOU.

64. Kindness matters, be kind to others and yourself.

65. Hang around those with awesome energy.

66. Don’t be afraid to shine.

67. There will be struggles but finding the strength through the struggle is the key.

68. Know that whatever you are going through, it’s likely someone else has gone through it too.

69. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. That is how we grow.

70. Live your passion.

71. Do more of what makes you happy.


72. Know at times, it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

73. Remember life is beautiful and there is so much to smile about.

74. Where focus goes, energy flows. Keep the focus on the positive.

75. Practice doesn’t make perfect, it creates consistency.

76. Discipline is in the doing, sometimes you just gotta stretch yourself a little to grow yourself.

77. Listen and learn from someone who inspires you. Someone who really inspires me is Gabrielle Bernstein. 

gabby bernstein

78. Set goals and intentions whether they be short, medium and long term. Ensure to not let these goals just be results driven but rather a source of inspiration and guidance towards what you desire.

79. See the miracles in life everyday. At night ask the question ‘What was the best part of today?’

80. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” Milton Berle. A great quote to remember when you need inspiration and motivation.

81. Work hard, it may mean making sacrifices along the way but know that a little hard work never hurt anyone.

82. Be confident but humble.

83. Action is the result of less talk and more doing.

84. Do all things from a place of love.

85. Be the first to say sorry especially if you know you have done wrong.

86. Know you can do anything you have the desire to do but you will need to do the work, to accomplish it.
womens coaching

87. Don’t let failures define you, let them refine you. Personal growth comes from some of the most valuable lessons we learn in life.

88. “Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they’re meant to be.” Author Unknown.

89. When you need someone to believe in you, start with yourself.

90. Deep within you lies an unbeatable, powerful, unstoppable strength. Believe it and you will find it.

91. With each new day, it is the opportunity to start fresh.

92. To feel peace within, it begins with you.

93. Sometimes you may need to just change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. Ask the question ‘where is the love in this situation?’.

94. Delays are not denials, it may be just taking a little longer to get somewhere or there may be more lessons in which need to be learned along the way.

95. A.S.K. three simple letters, one word and yet so powerful.

96. The first step to getting somewhere is to decide that your not going to stay where you are.

97. Follow your heart.

98. When you lose motivation and lose direction, focus on service. Who do you want to serve or help, what is it that you want to do and your inspiration will come back to you.

99.  Start each morning with a positive thought.

100. Everything comes to you at the moment it is suppose to. Be patient and trust that the universe will deliver it all in divine timing.

Were there any thoughts that you could relate too? Share below your favourite thought or one you may like to add.

Have a beautiful afternoon,
