I Am Allowing – Feel Good Thoughts Podcast #7


The words ‘I Am Allowing’ provides you with accountability and affirmation to oneself that you are honoring a decision or intention you are about to make.

In today’s podcast I talk about the words ‘I am allowing’ and how it can help you with honoring your emotions and feelings and allowing yourself to feel good.

Life can be like a rollarcoaster at times, there are challenges that come up but during those challenges we have a choice of how we wish to react and what we want to do. By choosing healthy positive affirmations it can help us with feeling more at peace and with positivity through challenging times.

What is something that is coming up for you right now where you want to make a positive change?

Think about it for a moment and then start a sentence with words ‘I am allowing’. By choosing this healthy affirmation it will assist you with being more concious about your intention.

Listen in to today’s podcast where I share the importance of using the healthy positive affirmation words ‘I am allowing’.

I hope you find this podcast helpful, please share below an affirmation that makes you feel good.

Have a fab weekend!
