How To Be An Impacteur? ft. Franziska Iseli – Feel Good Thoughts Podcast #14



I am feeling so energized and inspired from the Awesomeness Fest Conference this week and am excited to share with you today a chat on my podcast show with an Impacteur and all round awesome person, Franziska Iseli.

What is an Impacteur?

An Impacteur is someone who wants to make a difference, someone who loves having a positive impact on society and their environment, someone who is challenging the norm and likes doing things a bit differently, someone who loves, gives and leads.

And today, Franziska is going to share some Feel Good Thoughts around How to be an impacteur? and how to make a positive impact on the world. She reminds us about how making a difference can be quite simple, whether it’s writing a note to a waiter or smiling at a stranger.

Whatever it is, you never know just how far your positive energy can go. As a random act of kindness, Franziska shares about how she recently paid enough bus fair for herself as well as the next customer’s fair. The driver politely turned down her money and let her ride the bus for free.

How refreshing is it that one small act can spread like wildfire?

You too can make a positive impact by  focusing on others, rather than yourself. One small act can be quite powerful; a simple compliment can make someone’s day and inspire them to pay it forward.

So join the 1o Day Impacteurs Challenge starting today and let’s make an impact on someone’s life everyday for the next 10 days. I will be posting pictures on my Instagram @FeelGoodJoey daily sharing what I do to be a impacteur and you can join in too, just remember to hashtag #impacteurs

After the challenge, making an impact will surely become a way of life.

Visit the link below for more information and make sure to follow my 10 Day Impacteurs Challenge on Instagram!

Be an impacteur today and help share positive vibes.
