Friendships & Flow – Feel Good Thoughts Podcast #3


Goodafternoon friends,

Recently, I was out and about when I had a thought about friendships and flow that I really wanted to share with you. So, I grabbed my iphone and recorded the thought straight away, (excuse the traffic surrounding me, ops!) but whilst the thought was really fresh in my mind, I had to share it.

You can click on the play button below to listen to the short Feel Good Thoughts Podcast about Friendships and Flow. In this podcast I share the following thoughts;

1. Surround yourself with friends who are on the same page as you.

2. What kind of flow are you in right now?

3. Think about the five friends that you spend the most time with in your life. Find out why those 5 closest friends that you hang around are important in your life.

4. Learn about why it is OK to let go of old friendships, in order to open the door for new friendships who are now more in your flow.

‘Open the door, mind and heart to new friendships with people
who are now in your flow’

5. Remember to choose your friends wisely and consider that the people you hang around is most likely the energy flow and direction you will go.

If you enjoy the Feel Good Thoughts Podcast, ensure to send me a tweet @FeelGoodJoey with a question  you would like me to answer in one of the podcasts. Or leave a comment below.

Have a beautiful day.

Light and happiness,
