Be In Love With Your Life – Feel Good Thoughts Podcast #2



In today’s podcast I share with you 20 ways which YOU can be in LOVE with your life.

The list is below but tune into the podcast below to hear more.

1. Appreciate more and live with consciousness.

2. Have FUN.

3. Say thank you often…kindness matters.

4. Don’t be afraid to say I LOVE you & express how you feel.

5. Smile daily & be happy.

6. Give hugs…There is a saying by Virginia Satir who says, “We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth” HUGS ALL ROUND

7. Be the first to say sorry and quick to forgive.

8. Compliment others and yourself.

9. Think about who inspires you and tell them & acknowledge them.

10. LAUGH out loud, dance around, sing if you like to sing but sing really loud haha…

11. Hang around those with AWESOME energy.

12. Set daily intentions and think positive thoughts.

13. Drink plenty of water and move your body regularly.

14. Meditate or do something that brings you inner peace.

15. Disconnect from technology frequently and reconnect to self.

16. Spend time with loved ones.

17. Go on awesome adventures, play sport or workout – do whatever activities you enjoy.

18. Bring out your inner child: Remember when you were young how fun it was to play sport, go on adventures and try something new, do something that will make you feel good.

19. See the world, travel, seek new places, experiences and meet your friends.

20. Take time for you daily to refuel your own self love.

What other awesome things can you contribute towards LOVING LIFE?

Are you using Twitter? Ensure to tweet @FeelGoodJoey and share what you love about your life and remember to hashtag #FeelGoodThoughts

Have a beautiful day,
