10 Feel Good Thoughts


When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you think? Is it… ‘Argh… go away alarm’ or ‘I’m tired, I knew I should have gone to bed earlier’…

Do any of these words sound familiar?

Sometimes it is within a persons individual thoughts, which can be the power
 to determine the limitations of their dreams and their desires.

Just by simply starting the day with a negative thought like ‘go away alarm’ can actually set your tone and mood for the day ahead.

So, how do we feel empowered and motivated to start the day feeling good and ready to work towards what it is that you truly desire?

Firstly start by practicing feel good positive thoughts daily. If we begin our day by fueling ourself with thoughts like this, it can help with shifting your mood.

Imagine changing the negative thought with a feel good thought such as ‘I welcome this morning, thank you alarm for waking me up!’ or ‘I am going to ROCK today!’ or ‘It’s time to wake up and shine!’. With a mindset reset we are able to dig deep within to build our self love and confidence muscle.

Today I want to share with you 10 Feel Good thoughts to help you feel empowered and motivated to start the day in a positive way.

Start using sentences beginning with… I am, I believe. Here are some examples:
1. I believe I can.
2. I am centered and grounded.
3. I am making positive choices to ensure I feel happy.
4. I am radiating my happiness to those around me.
5. I believe in myself.
6. I am confident.
7. I am strong.
8. I am at peace.
9. I am making progress.
10. I am love.

Start your day in a positive way by choosing feel good thoughts to fuel your body and soul.

What feel good thoughts will you start your day with today?

Have a beautiful day friends,
