Move Your Body – Feel Good Thoughts Podcast #32


I finished my early morning workout at the gym this morning and thought I wanted to share with you some ways in which you can feel inspired and motivated to move.

This morning I woke up 5.30am, turned over and pressed the snooze button (ops!) and then went back to sleep again but lucky I have another alarm set for 5 mins later with the motivational mantra on my phone that says ‘Lets do this, time to train!’. After I saw that I thought OK I really need to get up now. Which brings me onto the first of 5 feel good fit inspo which is…


Motivation on your alarm clock or write a motivational mantra or inspiration on paper and put it next to the bed where you can read it.


Prepare active wear or gym clothes the night before and place them next to your bed where you can see them when you wake up in the morning.


Do exercise that you ENJOY!!!

If you like to swim – swim

It you like to surf – surf

If you enjoy running – run

Do whatever movement you enjoy, that helps you to feel good.


Keep your exercise fun and interesting with a holistic approach. Have variety, here are some ideas below;






Cycle class

High Intensity Interval Training

Group fitness

Just do some sort of movement that helps you feel good.

Also remember, if your starting a new exercise program to seek professional help before commencing; for instance book in to see a fitness professional who you can do a pre-exercise questionnaire with and they can help you with knowing what exercises you can do when starting out.

Tip #5:

Know your WHY?

Why is it that you want to exercise or move your body. Is it because it helps you to;

  • Feel good
  • Feel grounded or centred
  • Start the day feeling energised
  • Lose weight or get more toned or to put on muscle?
  • Feel healthier

Know what is your WHY? Because your WHY is fantastic leverage to help you stay inspired and motivated.

So there are 5 Feel Good Fit Tips to help motivate you and inspire you to move your body. Click on the play button above to hear the podcast where I share more about each of these feel good fit inspirations.

Also, if you are on Instagram remember to hashtag #FEELGOODFIT to share your fitness inspiration with others.

Have a healthy day!
