Descriptive Affirmations – Feel Good Thoughts Podcast #22


Good morning,

Today I want to share some feel good thoughts around descriptive affirmations.

But first.. What are affirmations?

An affirmation is a positive statement or thought that you intend to do or perhaps something you want to achieve in life.

I am a big believer in starting the day in a positive way and the easiest way to do this is through setting a positive affirmation.

I wrote a book called “The Feel Good Affirmations Guide” where I share 21 days of feel good affirmations to promote self love and happiness. I begin each of these affirmations with “I am…”

I like to the start affirmations with “I am…” because it shows we are taking ownership of whatever comes next in the sentence. Starting with “I am…” assists in creating a positive energy that simply helps us to feel good.

So, let’s think about some affirmations you may already have.

Perhaps you want to boost your energy levels and your affirmation is “I am energized”. This affirmation represents a feeling of energy, but to lift the level of positivity we can add descriptive words like “I am filled with abundance amounts of energy”. Just by adding a few descriptive words, you have made such a more positive and uplifting affirmation.

How can you add some positivity and descriptive words to one of your daily affirmations?

I would love to know what your positive affirmations are, so make sure to tweet them to me @feelgoodjoey.

Light and happiness,
